Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Painting, always painting...

Well, as you can probably imagine, most of what we've been doing lately is painting.  So far, we've painted the following places (both ceiling and walls):

All the upstairs bedrooms
Upstairs hallway
Windowsills in all four upstairs rooms
Sills on the random arches in our upstairs hallway have been primed, but not painted yet.

Still to paint:

Upstairs bathrooms
Upstairs little alcove outside the craft room
Living room
Master bedroom
Downstairs bathrooms

As you can see, we have a LONG way to go.  We're making progress, though, a little at a time.  What's funny, though, is that we realized as we moved out of our rental just how boring we are with color.  Let me explain.

I literally spent HOURS pouring over color chips, trying to find a color that we both liked and that matched the flooring that came with the house.  We found one strip with varying shades that we loved and decided to do it throughout the house.  We thought we were a little boring because the colors are all beige/greige and we are using them throughout the majority of the house.  To remedy this, we decided to pick "real" colors for the bathrooms.  Blue for the master bathroom...but when we tried to pick a green for the powder room and the kids' bathroom, we couldn't find anything that didn't look like puke or something else equally nasty.  So, back we went to the neutral pallet.

But it's so pretty - it's like the perfect warm cafe latte color.  I adore it.  And the eggshell finish gives it just that little hint of shine - and washability, I might add - ESSENTIAL with 4 children.

Also, this is our new fan (no clue what my children are doing...)  Brian picked it out and it looked pretty - until we got it up against the freshly painted walls.  Now it looks TERRIBLE.  New glass bowl, here we come ;P

But I digress...

Anyhoo, this is where the story gets a little ridiculous.  When we had cleared out the garage of our rental, we found the leftover paint cans from what we had painted some of the walls there...and I kid you not, I just about died when I looked at the colors - because they were THE EXACT SAME COLORS we picked for our new house.  Not even joking...Diverse Beige.  Utterly Beige.  We are Utterly UN-diverse...good grief, Charlie Brown.

Everyone we've told about this says "Well, you just know what you like."  I guess that would make me feel better if I hadn't wasted hours of my time staring with blurry eyes at massive amounts of paint chips.  But I this is not nearly as amusing to me as it should be.

Oh well.  I'm a historian, and all of my outlets lean toward the granny side of things, so I've learned to come to terms with my boring-ness.  Is that a word?  I'm making it one ;P

***UPDATE 09/04/13 - we got our new fan bowl and I LOVE it!  It's a little different shape, but the color is perfect in this room :D

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