Saturday, December 6, 2014

25 Days of Christmas: Day 6 - Mirror Ornaments

Well, I broke down and bought an artificial tree this year.  We've done real trees the past few years and I LOVE the smell, but with our new house and the really tall ceilings, it would cost an arm and a leg to get real trees every year in the height we would need.  So a fake tree it was.  I decided that if were going to do it, we were GOING TO DO IT.  Like get the nicest one I could find so that it would last us a REALLY long time.  Let's just say it wasn't cheap, but I think it'll be worth it in the long run.

I struggle with those long run/short run arguments.  It's so hard to deal with the fact that you will hurt in the short term but feel better in the long term.  Oh well.  Tangent over.

The tree came pre-lit, but there weren't a TON of lights.  I like a LOT of lights.  But since I was decorating by myself this year (hubby was out of town when I needed to do it), I thought that I'd do something a little less intimidating than wrapping extra strings of lights around a 9 foot tall tree.  So, I made these mirror ornaments.  I found there idea here  and here.  Of course, I didn't actually look at the pin to see how she did it, I just went with what I thought I remembered reading.  As a result, I was only able to get 6 ornaments out of the package of mirrors, but I think even so it made a bit of a different.  I might make and add some more on there for even more sparkle :)

Here's what I did:

I bought these craft mirrors at Hobby Lobby and used some jute string that I already had.

I layed 2 mirrors face down on the counter and cut my string to the length I wanted when folded in half into a loop.   You need to work quickly for this step so the glue doesn't cool off too fast, so make sure you have everything cut and lined up ready to go.  I put a dot of hot glue on the back of each mirror and placed the folded string on top.

Place dot of hot glue on top of the string in both places, and press 2 more mirrors on top of that to sandwich the string.

That's it!  Seriously, so easy :)

Place them farther inside on your tree and watch it sparkle and shine :D

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