Monday, October 28, 2013

Halloween Outfits

I found the cutest fabric this year at Hobby Lobby (of course ;P).  The girls did not want to match, much to my chagrin, but then I realized I could experiment more - so it all worked out in the end ;)

Above is my little C modeling her purple Halloween sweets skirt.  

Here is my Pinspiration:

Super cute, no?  You can check out her store here.

I was going to do a tutorial for this, but when I saw that this was from an etsy store, I just didn't feel right.  So, sorry about that.  But you can always go purchase them from Babe a Gogo!

And E's skirt:

I even added pockets to it :)  I did not take pictures when making this because I was afraid it wouldn't work, but if y'all would like me to do one, let me know.  

And here was my Pinspiration for it:

From Zulily

And for the boys, I made Halloween suspenders following this tutorial - only I didn't do the interfacing.  It would have helped, but I figured they'd wear these about once, so I wasn't about to take more time making them than was absolutely necessary.

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