Friday, November 20, 2015

My Craft Space

Lately, I've been trying to get my house organized.  This is not an easy task when you have a husband that travels a lot, 4 kids, and own your own business.  But I'm chipping away at it, slowly but surely :D

I was inspired by WeWork to join in an online discussion about creative workspaces. WeWork is a coworking company that offers creative and collaborative shared office space all over the world, and offers unique benefits to its members! To join in, I'm sharing my workspace and what I love (and don't love) about it.

First up, my main storage area.  Some of these bins are full of fabric, some of vinyl, some of patterns that I have drafted, etc.  I got the cube storage unit at Target for I think $60 or so.  The fabric bins are from Five Below and were 2/$5.  They're a little cheap, but they work for now.

My closet contains all the large pieces of fabric on hangers, and my bins full of junk that I have to go through and purge because I honestly NEVER get into it anymore.  The drawers were my original storage solution and the only one I had when I started really seriously crafting a few years back.  It sat in my bedroom closet ;)

I found this file cabinet at a Goodwill-type shop, and I'm pretty sure it was less than $5.  It didn't have the file frames, so I had to buy those at Walmart and the file folders, but I keep all my business records in here. 

Ribbon storage - the bane of my existence.  I have tried seriously every solution for storing ribbon, and as ugly as this is, it is actually the easiest and most accessible of all my attempts.  I just took some scrap wood from the garage, stained it, and nailed some dollar store bins into it.  

My storage board - this is also really ugly, but it works.  I used some leftover shelving from our laundry room and attached it to the top of the pegboard with zip ties.  Not super sturdy, but good enough.

This is just a piece of sheet metal that I bought at Home Depot and painted, then some little bins from Container store/Dollar Tree/etc. that I Superglued magnets to the back of.

This is my thread organizer that my father-in-law gave me (he used to use it for his fishing line), which I spray painted white.  The metal shelf was my grandmothers and was in pretty bad shape, so I cleaned it and spray painted it red.  Both of these sit over my sewing desk - which is a disaster.  Therefore, no pics of that ;P

What I LOVE about my craft room:
  • That I actually have a craft room!!  I've never had a place to keep all my junk supplies before, and it is delightful!
  • Everything is fairly easy to find, which is nice considering I have a DUMB amount of craft supplies...I might be a hoarder when it comes to that.
What I DON'T LOVE about my craft room:
  • Obviously, the lighting.  It's very dim and hard to see.
  • That it is not a cohesive design.  Everything has been bought second hand, very cheaply, or gifted to me.  None of it really matches and that kind of bugs me.  But really, that's not what's important. 
How do y'all store and organize your craft supplies?  Any suggestions on how I could do this better?  Let me know!

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