Friday, February 28, 2014

February Update

I haven't written too much this month because it has been CRAZY busy around here.  Just a quick update on the projects we are currently working on:

  • Finishing up the girls' dresser
  • Finishing out the playroom bathroom - staining cabinets, cleaning up paint, putting fixtures back up, etc., and then it should be functional again!  YAY!
  • Refinishing an end table for the playroom
  • Brian has been gradually getting baseboards put back in upstairs, so that's awesome!
Can't think of anything else right now.  Business has been busy, so that's always great, but then I don't get as much done around the house.  Oh well ;P  I'll take it!

Next major projects that need to be completed are new carpeting installed, and our goal is to unpack every box and have every room functional (though not fully decorated) by our 1 year move-in anniversary.

I'll try to do a massive photo dump of updates soon :)

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