Saturday, May 31, 2014

May House Update - Picture dump ;)

Alright, alright, for the one of you who is super curious to see how our house is progressing, here you go :)  Not as much as I would have liked, but I worked so hard before and just burned myself out.  It happens, y'all.  For real.  Sometimes when you're completely overhauling a 3300 square foot house, it just catches up with you.  We're coming up on the 1 year anniversary of moving in, but I'll save that major post with all its before and after photos for July.  This girl is straight up too tired to do that today. Okay, here goes:

First major thing we accomplished was finally getting the outside of our house painted and the rotten/damaged wood replaced!  Woo hoo!!!

Our beautiful newly painted front door - I LOVE the black and silver.  Makes me smile every time I come home :D  And as always, the hardhat in the window to remind all who enter that it is a work in progress ;)

Our mad scientist tree that we've never trimmed but that needs it desperately.  FYI, I hate this tree...

OH, and I forgot to get a pic of it, but we raked out all the lava rocks that were in the front landscaping and replaced it with mulch.  Not the most fun job in the world, but made a HUGE difference!!

Our freshly painted garage and repaired trim :D

Ah, so clean and crisp.  :D

Walking into the house, to your left, you find the dining room.  Before, it was just a bare cement floor that I used to paint furniture on during the winter:

I filled in all the carpet nail holes with cement (though apparently the wrong kind that contained a bunch of little rocks in it) and then let them dry for, oh, about 3 months before trying to sand them down...that was a bad decision.  Needless to say, when I did try to sand them down, I quickly realized that there was no way on earth I was going to get it flush with the ground like in this tutorial.  Nuh uh, no way.  But, I've learned that I do best when I go for an imperfect look - I like the wear, the bumps, and the unevenness - I feel like it gives it a more industrial and worn-in look. Anyhoo - 3 hours later, I had sanded all the nail holes, as well as the entire floor.  I then swept it about a million times, and then vacuumed and mopped about the same.  I let it dry and then primed it (so the cat pee smell would be trapped in a paint dungeon forever - muah ha ha!  Oh, sorry) and painted 2 coats with Sherwin Williams porch and floor paint. 

And now, voila!

This I can live with until we get our hardwood floors in a few years ;)  Now all I have to do is let it cure for the rest of the week, paint around the bottom of the walls, and move the furniture back in.  Since the floor is slightly lower than the rest of the house, we are not going to replace the baseboards until we get said hardwood floors. Just easier that way.

To the right of the front door is what will be my husband's study, but for now looks like a room from an episode of "Hoarders".  It holds all the boxes of my husband's ridiculously expensive Ph.D. science books, his desk, the dismantled dining hutch, as well as all the construction tools and paint we've been using for the past year.

See?  I wasn't even kidding a little bit...
The kitchen has finally been finished :D  I LOVE it!

Our newest addition - the USB outlet.  LOVE!

Excuse the mess  ;P
On to the master bathroom:

On top is the original color that I chose and that glowed like a neon sign, and on the bottom, the color we found to replace it that we both agreed on :D

Still need to strip the cabinets back to bare wood and figure out something else to do with them - I'm just not digging the brown/blue combo here (though normally, I do like that.)  And in case you were wondering, this is how many different colors we sampled for that stupid bathroom - it only took this many and about 4 months to find something we both liked ;P



Upstairs, we bought these storage cubes at Target that perfectly fit DVDs, for $15/each - so far, we only have 2, but we will have 2 more on the other side and mount the tv on the wall - eventually...  Obviously, I love me some cube storage.  I can organize all my junk without breaking my bank.

Our new laundry sorter, because I have a ridiculous amount of laundry for 6 people and feel like I'm drowning in a sea of it most days.  Here's hoping this works.

Another cube shelf for the kids' bathroom.  Nothing up on the walls yet, though :(

Except their hooks - these I love.  I'll post the how-to later on that. 

The girls' refinished dresser in its natural habitat.  My daughter, the fox, has covered it with her cache of junk.  This thing never stood a chance ;P

The door to the boys' bedroom is black, as all the others in the house will be eventually.  But for now, theirs is the only one.

Black door, white trim, and ugly old almond everywhere else...still...

Here's a pic of the bunk beds I refinished - complete with cute babies :)

My craft room :(  Another room straight out of "Hoarders"...but at least now there's a pegboard!

Let the organizing begin!!

Got the shower curtain up in the playroom bathroom...

...but the cabinets are still sad, lonely, dismantled, and unstained.  Boo...

Alright, I think that's everything.  Hope y'all have a great rest of the weekend!!

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