Thursday, November 27, 2014

10 Days of Thanksgiving: Day 10 - A Day to Give Thanks

Hey there!!!  We made it!  I know most of my posts were short, but really - at this time of year - you guys probably didn't want to read a novel every day ;)

I am so, SO excited about today.  Yes, I love the food.  I love the people even more.  But I LOVE getting to brag on how great my God is.  Has my year been perfect?  Not even close.  It's been downright nasty at times.  But my God has taught me so much about who He is and who I am in relation to Him.

He is GOOD when all around me is not.

He is LOVING and I rest securely in that.

He is FAITHFUL when my heart wanders.


And no, there's no acronym here.  I thought about it, but today has more important things than lining up letters just right ;P

I pray that each of you would know the love and joy of being in a relationship with Christ, and that His love would fill you with all hope and peace as you trust in Him always.

God bless!

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