Tuesday, November 25, 2014

10 Days of Thanksgiving: Day 8 - Community

We have been so blessed to be able to host a life group in our home this past year.  Tonight, we said goodbye to one of our couples who has been given an amazing opportunity that is great for them - but takes them out of state and far from us.

Food was brought and eaten, laughs were had, tears were shed - we took communion, sang and worshipped together, and prayed over this special couple.  

All day, I stressed about how much cleaning I had to do, and what projects needed to be finished before people could see my house.  How very, very foolish of me.  

Because these are my people :D

I mean, one couple was on the other side of the WORLD on mission yesterday and still made it to group tonight to give a sendoff to our sweet friends.  This kind of commitment is why I love our little community.

Thank you, God, for these sweet friends - for those leaving and for those staying - and for the great blessing that they are to me and my family :)

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