Saturday, November 1, 2014

31 Days of Halloween 2014 - Day 31: HALLOWEEN!!!!

YAY!!!!!  We made it!

I'm posting this on the day after Halloween because I wanted to make sure I got all the cute pictures from last night included :D

Yesterday was chock full of all kinds of awesomeness.  We had our life group over last night for a potluck, and let me tell you - it was a blast ;)  One couple dressed up as Hans and Franz from SNL and had us all dying with their antics.  The kids, of course, all looked adorable.  Between the 6 couples in our group, we have almost 20 kids, so it was loud, boisterous, and just plain amazing.  The kids would run in the front door and straight out the back door into the backyard.  I loved it :D

After the potluck, we set up some games outside and a couple of the techy musician guys in our group set up some music and videos that they projected off of our garage door.  All the kids who came by to trick or treat had the option to either play a game or have a dance off to get their treats ;P  I think they enjoyed it!

I decided last minute (as in 9:00 on Thursday night) to make some Halloween cookies that I had found designs for on Pinterest.  I knew if I didn't do it then, I'd have to wait another whole year to get a reason to try them out, so I went for it.  I think I ended up getting 4 hours of sleep, but it was so fun - yes, I'm a nerd.  Decorating cookies by myself watching Netflix is my idea of fun ;)

So, without further ado, here's a photo dump from yesterday:

The girls got to wear their costumes to school, but we made sure to make them school appropriate with the addition of jeans underneath ;)

Mr. D. couldn't wear his costume to school, and I of course couldn't find any more Halloween tshirts that late in the game, so I bought a white tshirt and decked it out with some black felt.  This was super easy - I made it in 15 minutes before I took him to school that morning ;)  So you could say, this is really a picture of procrastination ;P  It was inspired by one found on That's What Che Said.

This is also a picture of procrastination.  I realized about 10 minutes before I had to leave to take Mr. D. to school that I didn't have any Halloween stuff for myself to wear.  I used this template from Create Studio and cut it out of orange felt.  I then took a piece of black elastic and hot glued the ends to the back of the bow and covered that with another strip of orange felt.  Instant headband!  I wore it with my eyeball earrings and had some laid-back Halloween style ;)

Our decor this year was also pretty laid-back, and most of it was on the mantel.  Most everything was already there.  I added the faux mercury glass candlesticks, the ruffle ghost, the little pumpkin trio (from here, here, and here), and the ghost cross stitch.  The spiderwebs were bought last year on clearance, and the Boo sign was from Walmart for less than $4.  My first one fell off the mantel and shattered (yes, it's ceramic, not plastic), so I had to go back and get another one.  I loved it too much to not replace it!

The burlap wreath stays up through all seasons and gets a new bow in each one.

Outside, we had our cute little ghost pumpkin, and our birdcage with the raven in it.  This guy came into our house a couple years ago and I still love him - wish I still had a place outside to hang him up!

And of course, our fun little house face :D

Onto the cookies.  I made these little treat bags for the kiddos' teachers.  The ghost cookies were inspired by Make Me Cake's little ghost cookies.  Sorry for the bad quality of these pics - they were taken before school when the sun was just coming up.

The rest of these were made to pass out as prizes for the games.

This is the poisoned apple from Snow White, with the screen shot from the movie on the left - I was mixing the colors late at night, so I was quite pleased with how close I got ;P

Caramel apples inspired by these from Whip It Good Cookies (this is just linked to the pin - the pin was a bad link, so if anyone knows how to link to the original source, please let me know!!)  For the caramel, I used melted butterscotch chips and the stem is melted chocolate.

These happy little cauldrons were inspired by a pair of earrings by Jolly Charms on Etsy.  I couldn't quite get the color right, and mine are a little different, but I still think they're cute :)  

Here are some kawaii pumpkins with chocolate stems :)

This little mummy was inspired by my son's Halloween onesie, which of course I couldn't get a picture of because he's so squirmy.  But it's a picture of a little baby mummy saying "I love my mummy."  SO CUTE!!

My first and probably last attempt at a sugar skull cookie - this was HARD, even with my Kopykake machine!  I used this mask template.

This cookie is a shameless rip-off of one by Marian over at Sweetopia.

I used the same background idea to make these 4 little spiders (for my 4 little kids) and this sweet little ghost.

 This cookie was inspired by this necklace from My Oddities on Etsy

This guy was a last minute edition when I realized I didn't ever want to make another sugar skull cookie and I therefore had an extra skull-shaped cookie ;P

This one was inspired by a cookie from Katie Duran on Etsy.  Let's just say that hers are vastly superior to mine ;P  But it was worth a shot!

 These were inspired by a cookie pop from Katie Yoon on Flickr

This sweet little bat was inspired by a little bat on Deviant Art.  I have special web protection software that won't let me open deviant art, so the link to the pin will have to suffice.  Sorry about that!!  I hope the link from Pinterest works for you!

For Franky and his bride, I just used a couple of different cutters to experiment.  They're not my favorite, but it was worth trying.  This one is a skull cutter.

And this was just a plain square.  I tried to make him look like Fun Franky, but that didn't work out so well...

This was made using an ice cream cone cutter, the same I used for my leprechauns last year.  It just seemed so suited to her hair ;P

These little kawaii candy corn were inspired by some pics I made the other day.  I couldn't resist!

And these were my absolute favorites :D  The tombstone design was inspired by one from Knead a cookie (the domain is no longer active, so if anyone knows how to find the original cookie maker, please let me know and I'll link accordingly.)  The arms were inspired by a feature on Picmonkey.

Onto the costumes ;D  This little monkey here is my youngest.  The way he talks and runs around reminds me of a little monkey anyway, so I thought we'd just go with that this year.  Plus, he loves Curious George, so it was a good fit for him.

It's hard to get a picture when he's running all over the place ;P

Little Man with his banana trick-or-treat bag.

Captain America to the rescue!!  Can't forget his shield :D

 Elsa and her Frozen bag

And our beautiful Silvermist :)

Last but not least, Taylor Swift and her most recent boyfriend ;P

Fun times!!

I hope y'all had a super fun and safe Halloween!  

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