Wednesday, December 10, 2014

25 Days of Christmas: Day 10 - Peppermint Hot Chocolate Roll Out Cookie Recipe

So, for those of you that don't know, I have a small business where I make a bunch of stuff and sell it - the things I sell the most of are my decorated cookies.  I've posted some of my cookies before, like here and here.  I'm certainly not the best cookier out there, but I sure do have fun making them :)

Anyway, I found this recipe for hot cocoa cookies and I knew I had to try it.  I tweaked it a little bit for my own version and made that for the past couple years or so.  This year, it hit me - why not make it PEPPERMINT hot cocoa?!  I mean, it should be a no-brainer, right?  I used to use my candy canes to stir my hot chocolate ALL THE TIME when I was little.  I LOVE that combination!

Well, it turned out so well, I thought I'd share it with y'all.  Seriously.  Go make them.  They're AMAZING.  Just the smell when I opened the oven door was enough to make me drool ;P

Here's the recipe:

2 sticks of butter, softened slightly
1 1/2 cups sugar
2/3 cup hot cocoa mix (about 4 packets, if using those)
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp pure peppermint extract (DO NOT use the mint extract - it's a mix of different mints, including spearmint, and it does not taste as good.)
4 cups flour
3/4 tsp salt
3/4 tsp baking powder

Beat the butter, sugar, and hot cocoa mix together until fluffy.  Add the eggs and mix.  Now add the extracts and mix.
Combine your dry ingredients, and add gradually until fully mixed.  It should be pretty solid.  If it's still really sticky, add some more flour.
Place your dough in the fridge briefly while your oven preheats to 375 degrees and while you get your cookie sheets covered with parchment paper.  I ALWAYS use parchment.  It just makes the bottoms bake so much more evenly and they never stick.  Love that stuff - and no one's paying me to say that.  Kinda wish they would, though ;P

Ahem.  Moving on.

Once your oven is preheated, pull your dough out of the fridge and roll it and cut it out.  Place your cookies on the sheet and bake for about 6-8 minutes (time depends on your oven).  I usually check them half way through and turn them once so they all bake evenly.  They should be only barely darker on the edges, as they will continue to cook for a few minutes on the sheet while cooling.  Allow to cool for about 3 1/2 minutes on the sheet - just so they harden up enough to move - and then move to a cooling rack.

And if you want to do vanilla royal icing, I use Sweet Sugarbelle's Recipe.

Just try not to eat them all straight out of the oven.  I dare you.

And here are some of the cookies I did this year so far - I don't really like gingerbread, so my men are made of peppermint hot cocoa and vanilla sugar ;)  YUM...

I made little chocolate bows with a mold and some dark chocolate mint melts I found at Hobby Lobby - they're delightful!!

And for those who don't like a whole lot of frosting - (*ahem* my dad ;P)

The peppermint hot cocoa/dark chocolate mint melts combo was so good, I just drizzled it on some of the cookies.  Mmmm...

And I HAD to quote my favorite Christmas movie ;P

Are you planning on making cookies for Christmas?  I'd love to see them!  Post pics in the comments!

Enjoy :D

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