Tuesday, October 9, 2012

31 Days of Halloween 2012 - Day 9: DIY Cat Tail

My middle daughter, Charlotte, vacillated for quite some time on what she wanted to be for Halloween this year.  I FINALLY got her to settle on a black cat (thanks in large part to an adorable shirt that my mother bought her for Halloween with - you guessed it - a black cat on it).  I found a headband with some ears on it at Target for a dollar, so I figured all I needed now was a black shirt, black pants, a tail and some face paint.  Shirt, pants and face paint were all easily found at Walmart, and they were cheap which rocks my world.  But all the cat tails were sold out, and even if they had been available, I'd have had to buy another set of ears.  No thank you.  At the Halloween stores, the tails started at $6.99.  Again, no thank you.  I was sure I could do this more cheaply at home.  And I was right.  I had everything I needed already in my house except the fur fabric which I got at Joann's for...wait for it...83 CENTS!  WOO-HOO!!  So today, I finally got to work.  Charlotte was at school, so I had Drew model it for me - little turkey doesn't like to stand still - EVER!  So, sorry for the terrible pictures.  Also, black is crazy hard to photograph in detail well.


1/8 yard faux fur in desired color/pattern
thread to match/sewing machine
wrapped floral wire (optional)
ribbon to match

Cut your fabric to the length you would like your tail.  You can leave the width alone if you bought just 1/8 yard of fabric.

Baste a ribbon to one side of the piece of fabric, with right side of fabric up.

Fold fabric in half and pin, pinning the bottom in a curved shape.  Sew, making sure not to catch the ribbon anywhere but at the bottom of the tail.

Trim fabric around the curve.

Flip the tail right side out, using the ribbon for leverage.  It will still take some effort, but you will get to a point where the ribbon will eventually pull the rest of the tail through.

Trim off the ribbon.

With the batting and a long, blunt object, stuff the tail a bit at a time.

If desired, slide floral wire down the tail so that it can be bendable.

Sew the top closed, adding a ribbon loop if you'd like, or simply use a safety pin to attach to pants.

My little goober refusing to show me the tail.

And off he goes!!!  Ha ha!  I love action shots ;P

***I fully recognize that any amount of intelligence or creativity I have is a gift from God.  What I have been freely given, I freely give.  But if you choose to use these tutorials to sell items from, I would ask that you consider joining the Let Justice Flow Initiative, where you commit to donating either 10% of the total purchase price of each item, or designate a specific item for sale where the entire purchase price is donated to an organization that helps fight injustices around the world.  There are specific groups listed to give you an idea on the LJF page.  And feel free to snag the LJF button and put it on your page or etsy site.  Thanks!!***

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