Sunday, October 12, 2014

31 Days of Halloween 2014 - Day 12: Adding Personality to Your Home for Halloween

Every since I first saw our house, before we even bought it, I thought that it looked like a face.  The way that the windows and front door line up just look like it to me.  Last year, our little Malcolm the Mummy put a mustache on the front of our house as one of his pranks.  This year, I decided to give our house some eyes, and it was SUPER easy :D

Here's a little tutorial so you can do it, too, if you'd like!

You'll need:
2 pieces of white poster board
1 piece of black poster board
something to trace for a large circle (I used our Christmas tree stand)
something to trace for your small circle (I used a dinner plate)
glue stick

Lay your large circle template on top of one piece of white poster board and trace around it for the white of your eye.  Repeat on the other piece of poster board

Lay your small circle template on the black poster board and trace twice.

Cut out your circles.

Flip over so there are no pencil lines showing and figure out where you want the pupil of your eyes to be.  Glue the pupils onto the whites of the eyes.

Position your eyes in the windows and tape on with clear tape.

That's it!  Told you it was easy!

If you do this to your house, be sure to post pics so I can see what you come up with!!  I LOVE seeing how creative my friends are :D

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