Friday, October 24, 2014

31 Days of Halloween 2014 - Day 24: Silver "Gilded" Pumpkin (Part 3 of Pumpkin Trio)

Good morning!  I can't believe I'm actually getting this done so early!  But the girls are at school and the boys are still asleep, so I'm taking full advantage of the quiet ;P

So, today we finish up our tutorials for the cute little pumpkin trio.  Day 1 was the crochet pumpkin, Day 2 was the Glitter pumpkin, and today we're going to cover our little "gilded" beauty.

I got the idea from LollyJane's gilded pumpkin topiary, but I didn't want to go to the store to buy anything.  I tend to have some *ahem* hoarding tendencies, and since I do so many projects, I have acquired a bit of a collection of spray paint.  My husband says I have a problem and that nothing can come in the house without being painted.  I say that I've saved us money by recreating ugly things and making them pretty.  Tomato, tomahto ;P

Anyway, I had some Rustoleum American Accents Bright Metallics spray paint in Silver (which this is the closest I can find in my 2 second google search - perhaps you can find it more easily in a store near you.)  I bought it originally because I thought I could sub it for mirror-glass looking spray.  Let me tell you - you can't.  But the reason you can't is actually the reason I love it for this current project - it has amazing coverage.  It sprays on smoothly and covers VERY well.

I sprayed the bottom of my pumpkin, let it dry, then sprayed the top.  I did not wash my pumpkin as I should have, so it stayed pretty sticky even the next day, so I sprayed some sealer over it and that seemed to help.

I cut a leaf just like for the glitter pumpkin and hot glued it next to the stem.

Et voila!  A sweet little faux gilded pumpkin!  Yes, I'll have to throw him out eventually, but nothing beats the shape of a real pumpkin :)

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