Monday, October 19, 2015

31 Days of Halloween 2015 - Day 19: Spider Tree

A few years ago, I saw this idea on Pinterest, and I've wanted one ever since.  But I just can't seem to find a branch that looks like it would be big enough to hold the birds.

I went out to our front yard and started looking at the branches to see if anything might work - I had the urn from forever ago.  It's from Hobby Lobby.

As I was looking at the branches of our Live Oak, I noticed bumps on them that looked a lot like bug sacs, but they weren't.  I'm still not 100% sure what they are, but I think it has something to do with budding acorns.  Who knows.  I am not very good with plants.

I pulled one of the branches off - yes, I'm very precise when it comes to these things - and pulled all the leaves off of it.

Just to be sure that those bumps weren't bug sacs, or that any other tiny bugs might still be on it, I sprayed it with a bunch of matte spray sealer.  So far, so good, and that was several weeks ago.

I put a tiny piece of floral foam from the Dollar store in the bottom of the urn vase, then shoved the branch into it.  I wanted to put some old, stringy looking moss on top, but I didn't have any.  I'll probably add that when I get a chance.

Finally, I draped some fake spiderwebs across and put a little spider hanging from it.

Spider tree complete :D

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