Thursday, October 29, 2015

31 Days of Halloween 2015 - Day 24: Halloween Hand Towel

Y'all - so much going on this week.  I've been working like a busy bee, but haven't been able to sit down and dump it all here on the blog.  First up is our bathroom hand towel.  Since we're going for a mad scientist theme this year, I thought green and black with eyeballs would go quite well ;)

Start with a hand towel of your choice.  For these, they were really big, so I cut them into quarters.

I folded the sides under twice on three sides and sewed them down.  I left one edge raw because I'll be attaching the Halloween fabric to that.

Take your first fabric and fold it in half. then cut a folded strip about 2 times as long as your hand towel.

Lay it on top of your contrasting fabric and figure out what you want it to look like and cut it out.

Flip your first fabric inside out and sew the side edges.  Trim the corners for crisper edges.

Flip right side out and press.

Do the same with the other fabric, then lay them together.

Do a double row of basting stitches to gather.

Gather so that it fits onto your hand towel.

With WRONG sides together, pin and sew.  This seam will be covered by ribbon.

Trim the seam.

Sew one side of the ribbon over the fabric.  Once it's sewn, go back and sew the top by the hand towel portion.

Trim edges of ribbon and fold under, then sew it closed.

For a final touch, make a little bow and hand tack it onto the towel.

All done!!

And in it's natural habitat (aka, our powder room).

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