Monday, October 19, 2015

31 Days of Halloween 2015 - Day 17: Cinnamon Apple Monkey Bread

We had our Worship and Creative Arts Ministry potluck Saturday night - it's really one of the few times a year that we get to see everyone all together, since we're usually up playing in different areas each week.

I found this recipe for Upside Down Cinnamon Apple Coffee Cake from Lady Behind the Curtain, and I KNEW I had to make it for something.  Potlucks are such a great excuse to try out new recipes :D  

Anyway, when I got looking at the recipe, all I could think of was that it seemed a lot more like monkey bread than coffee cake.  So I decided to go that route and tweaked her recipe a little bit in the process.  For the original, head on over to her site :)

Here's what I did:

3 Honeycrisp apples, peeled and diced
1/2 of a 6oz bag of pecan halves
2 cans of Cinnabon cinnamon rolls
4 TBS of butter, melted
2/3 brown sugar - I used 1/3 light and 1/3 dark because that's what I had

4 TBS of dark corn syrup

I peeled and diced 2 apples and put those on the bottom of a greased bundt pan.

As she instructs, I quartered all the cinnamon rolls, but instead of just throwing them in a bowl, I rolled them into little balls first and then put them in a bowl.  

I peeled and diced another apple and mixed that with the dough balls, and I crunched up about 3 oz of pecan halves with my hands and put them in there.

The butter got melted in the microwave, then I added the brown sugar and corn syrup.  It was still pretty thick and grainy, so I microwaved it for about 30 seconds, in 15 second intervals just to make sure it wasn't getting gross.

I drizzled some sugar liquid on the diced apples in the pan, then some over the dough ball/apple/pecan concoction and did my best to kind of get it coated with a wooden spoon.  

Then I picked up chunks of the dough mixture with my hands and placed it all around the bundt pan on top of the diced apples.  Whatever  of the sugar liquid was left got drizzled over the top of everything.

That went into the oven at 350 for 30 minutes and then cooled for about 5 minutes.

I inverted it onto a plate and drizzled some of the warmed up cinnamon bun frosting over it.  Oh my.  So much deliciousness!!!

I'm terrible at getting good pictures, but this little guy seemed to think it was pretty tasty ;P  Except he decided he didn't like the pecans and kept giving himself a pep talk while eating, saying "You can do it!  You can do it!"  Haha!!  Little turkey ;)

We ate the leftovers for breakfast, and I mean, it's got apples, so that makes it healthy...right??

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